SKRAM Furniture - Price Upon Request


About the Designer:

Skram operates under the creative direction of A. Jacob Marks. Marks’ work is recognized for its marriage of austerity, warmth and timelessness, and an uncompromising technical mastery accentuated by the use of natural materials like wood, leather, stone and metal. His approach is rooted in a philosophy that argues for the inextricability of good design and extraordinary workmanship.

Distinguished for his innovative seating, case goods, and tables – unique in their negotiation of proportion, line and visual weight – Marks’ designs have been featured in a range of residential and commercial spaces throughout the world.

About Skram:

Based in the Piedmont region of North Carolina, the USA since 2001, Skram is an independent manufacturer of sustainable heirloom furnishings at scale for design-driven residential and hospitality applications. The company has earned an international following for an approach that emphasizes sustainable practices, natural materials, and extraordinary workmanship.

All Skram products are made in their entirety in the Company’s solar-powered facility.

About the Exhibit: BC1, BC2

Marks’ work for Skram explores the intersection of beauty and utility. Distilled to the essential, and innovative but relevant, his designs are celebrations of restraint in consideration of form, line, proportion and materiality.

At Design Pier NYC 2020, Skram displays two new designs from Bolota, a limited series of seating and tables using high-density black cork with blackened aluminum, timber, and bronze detailing.

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